Are we prepared for import controls post-Brexit?
With UK-continental border controls set to be reinstated on 1 January, our Customs team assess the potential delay that we could see to the movement of goods should importers and exporters not be prepared.

Congestion index reaches new high
With disruption to global logistics and supply chains remaining widespread, port congestion has now reached new highs according to the latest Clarksons Port Congestion Index.

Subsea Support Vessels: Reviewing a strong summer
Analysis from Clarksons Research reviews a strong summer for the subsea support vessel sector and looks ahead to increasingly optimistic sentiment for 2022.

Hot Topic - Caustic Soda - Global Outlook for Q4 and 2022
A combination of plant turnarounds and reduced output due to soaring energy costs has tightened the global caustic soda market over the past few weeks.

Gibb Group provides vehicle to local ambulance service
Gibb Group has loaned a vehicle to the East of England Ambulance Service for use by its team of First Responders operating out of the ambulance station in Gorleston, Norfolk.

Hot Topic - China: An Outlook for Chemical Demand in 2022
As we draw closer to the end of the year, many observers are thinking about how 2022 will shape up in terms of demand and activity in the specialised products sector.

Clarksons Gives Back Week 2020
The Coronavirus pandemic didn’t stop us from volunteering to help our local communities. We did that through an initiative we called Clarksons Gives Back week.

Balancing disruption and going green
Balancing a focus on returning volumes and management of widespread disruption with an increasing urgency to implement regulation and policy around greenhouse gas emissions reduction.

Tour de Clarksons raises money for The Clarkson Foundation
The Tour de Clarksons charity event saw 23 teams from 11 of Clarksons’ global offices come together to raise money for The Clarkson Foundation.

Clarksons completes a world-first route for rigs
Adrian Goodger explains the unique requirements for transporting the jackup rig Atlantic Amsterdam on an uninterrupted transit of the Northern Sea Route.

Meet the team: Towage, Salvage & Transportation
The longest recycling towage in history and rescue missions in wartime conditions - we sit down with Adrian Goodger (Director of Towage, Salvage & Transportation) to learn more about the team.

Navigating the green transition with key new hires
Through data, intelligence and insight, Clarksons helps clients navigate the green transition and empowers them to continuously improve global trade and positively impact the planet.