Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): What are the shipping requirements?
While data is partly incomplete and occasionally inconsistent, estimates indicate we are emitting over 35 billion mt of CO₂ each year. Currently we are storing only around 0.1 per cent of that, but as decarbonisation grows in importance, so too does the need for comprehensive CCS solutions. In this article, we take a snapshot of existing CCS projects and look at the related shipping solutions required.
Charity Giving Day 2022
This year, the annual Clarksons PLC global Charity Giving Day event raised over £250,000 for The Clarkson Foundation - an incredible amount to help some inspirational charities. The action packed day saw eight global offices take part and generously donate towards the cause.
Alternative fuels challenge the sustainability of maritime decarbonisation
It is undisputable that we need to drive a lower carbon future. Kenneth Tveter, Head of Clarksons Green Transition team provides his thoughts on how the industry can best achieve this with the resources we have at hand.
Dry Cargo Shipping Diploma 2022: Welcome back!
The aim of the Dry Cargo Shipping Diploma (DCSD) is to deliver a comprehensive understanding of the global dry cargo shipping industry covering commercial, legal, financial, regulatory, operational and technical aspects.
How Clarksons helps offshore wind developers to understand the local marketplace
Achieving your objectives within the global offshore wind market requires a locally focused lens.
Strengthening the bridge between academia and industry
Clarksons was once again pleased to host the Maritime Masters finalist event to both online and in-person delegates, for the fourth year running.
Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS): The scale of the challenge
In this article we examine the macro aspects of CO₂, taking a reality check on the scale of carbon emissions, the potential to deal with them, and permanent storage solutions. While global data regarding CO₂ emissions is partly incomplete, and occasionally inconsistent, the estimated figures used in this article provide a valuable, general guide to scale.
Clarksons' enhances its sustainability offering
Clarksons’ Carbon Broking team is pleased to announce its new partnership with CarbonChain.
Inspired by the love of water - Clarksons’ Sophie Wilson interviewed for Insight Energy Magazine
Sophie Wilson, Business Development Manager in our Port Services division, has been featured in a recent article in Insight Energy Magazine. Sophie was interviewed for an article titled ‘Women carve careers inspired by their love of water’.
WindEnergy Hamburg 2022 - Bigger and Better
WindEnergy was back last week bigger and better than before, with post-pandemic record numbers visiting Hamburg for the conference. With all the great news floating around there are always going to be undertones which can’t be ignored, and these did surface in many of the conversations being held.
Behind the drivers of the growing momentum in Green Ammonia
Demand for ammonia is continuing to grow, driven by a combination of traditional demand and a widely recognised need to reduce carbon emissions. But what are the drivers behind this growth, and do they stand up to scrutiny? In this article, we assess some of the sector’s ongoing opportunities and challenges in order to better understand the potential of the ammonia market.
Clarksons partners with Signol to help shipowners make measurable fuel & CO2 savings
Clarksons partners with Signol to help shipowners make measurable fuel and CO2 savings.